With Lumu Public Gateways you can associate part of the traffic originating from your organization using Lumu public IP addresses as DNS resolvers while illuminating threats, attacks, and adversaries coming from your network. This document will help you get started and configure your environment to use Lumu IP addresses seamlessly.
You can add a Public Gateway while creating your Lumu account, or it can be easily managed from the Collectors' section of the Lumu Portal.
The easiest way to find a device’s public IP address is by selecting the option “My Public IP” when creating the gateway, this automatically captures the public IP of the device you are connected to.
You have the option to create gateways for a group of IPs according to geography, network segments, device, domains, critical assets, departments, or any other way that makes sense for your business.
Now that you have created a public Gateway, it is time to point your DNS to Lumu to identify the level of compromise of your organization.