The Lumu Agent can be deployed remotely in corporate environments using various tools such as Remote Monitoring and Management software (RMM). This article describes Microsoft Intune.
This is a two-step process:
To create the application for the Lumu agent, run the following steps in your Microsoft Intune Web console.
1. Click on the Apps menu in the left-side navigation bar.
2. In the Apps | Overview window, click on the All apps menu on the left navigation bar. Next, click on the Add button.
3. In the Select app type window, click on the App type drop-down list. Select the Line-of-business app entry. Click Select.
4. Click on the Select app package file link in the Add app window. Click on the Folder button, and locate the .msi Lumu Agent installer that you intend to push to target assets in your Device Collection. Click on the OK button.
5. In the App information tab, fill in the data as follows:
a. Publisher data.
b. In the Command-line arguments type the following:
/quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/activationcode=""ACTIVATION_CODE"" /acceptlicense=""true"""ACTIVATION_CODE is the code collected in Lumu portal when you download the .msi installation package. Other data can be left as presented by default. Click on the Next button.6. In the Assignments tab, include the groups, users, or devices you want to deploy the Lumu Agent. Click on the Next button.
7. In the Review + create tab, check all the configuration parameters. If there are no changes in the configuration, click on the Create button.
Wait until the application creation process finishes. You can check the deployment process by clicking on the notification.
The deployment process, after creating the application, executes automatically. To check the installation progress, go to Apps > All apps menu in your Microsoft Intune console. Click on the Lumu Agent record.
Under the Lumu Agent dashboard, you see the overall statistics of the deployment.
For details of the devices’ and users’ install status, you can check the Device install status or the User install status.
Remember you can also check the installation status within Lumu portal