You have the option to manage Lumu Virtual Appliances (VA) directly from the Lumu Portal. The virtual appliance allows for full visibility into the compromises inside your network and is available for the most commom hypervisors. This document lists and describes procedures for managing Virtual Appliances in the Lumu Portal.
Create and Activate a Virtual Appliance
You can find the steps for creating a Lumu VA by accessing Deploy Virtual Appliances.
When you first create a Virtual Appliance on the Lumu portal, it remains inactive. To activate the VA, follow the steps in Configure Virtual Appliances.
Be aware that some appliance information takes about 5 minutes after activation to be updated on the Lumu portal.
VA management area of Lumu portal
To see all the details of the VA you created, go to the
Lumu portal, navigate to the menu VA area, and click on the virtual appliance whose details you want to check.
On the Virtual Appliance details page, you are going to find the following sections:
- Appliance details such as its name, status, id, labels, description, and statistics.
- VA configuration details such as its version, status, forwarders, and system data.
- VA management options: edit, delete and revoke.
- VA collectors management area.
- VA records view of the last 7 days.
- Data group rules to add and edit rules (labels) for traffic categorization.
Virtual Appliance details section of the Lumu portal
NOTE: If you have not updated your virtual appliance to version
3.0.1 or higher, we will not be able to detect its configuration settings. To make sure you are running the latest Lumu VA version, simply run the command
lumu-appliance upgrade, this will upgrade the VA for the latest version. Consult the
VA Command Quick Reference for more information.
Edit a Virtual Appliance
To edit the appliance details, go to the Lumu Portal, navigate to the Virtual Appliance menu, click on the virtual appliance, and select the option to edit it. In this area, you are able to edit the appliance name, the default label, and the description.
Editing a virtual appliance
Be aware that any edit made to an existing VA affects only the data collected after the changes are made and does not apply to any data already collected.
Revoke a Virtual Appliance
The revocation process generates a new activation code. This option should be used in specific scenarios such as when you lost the activation code, or when cloning the appliance and avoiding using the same credentials, etc.
The revocation action cannot be undone.
To revoke an appliance, go to the Lumu Portal, navigate to the VA area, click on the VA, and select the option to revoke.
Revoking a virtual appliance
Once you confirm the revoke action, a new activation code will be generated for that Virtual Appliance.
Be sure to record this activation code, as you will not be able to view this code again once you close the pop-up window.
To activate the appliance with the new activation code, use the command: lumu-appliance reset activation {activationcode}.
Delete a Virtual Appliance
The deletion process permanently removes the virtual appliance. This action cannot be undone and should be used when you want to permanently remove the appliance.
To delete an appliance, go to the Lumu Portal, navigate to the VA area, click on the virtual appliance and select the option to delete.
Deleting a virtual appliance
Manage Virtual Appliances Collectors
To edit a VA collector’s details, navigate to the Virtual Appliances menu of the Lumu Portal, and click on the VA that contains the VA collector. On the Virtual Appliance details page, click on the “Edit” icon of the VA collector you want to edit (as shown in the figure below).
The information you edit on the Lumu Portal will be synchronized with the Lumu VA automatically.
To delete a VA collector, navigate to the Virtual Appliances menu and click on the VA that contains the VA collector. On the Virtual Appliance details page, click on the delete icon of the VA collector you want to remove (as shown in figure below).
This will permanently delete the VA collector on the Lumu Portal and on the Lumu VA. This action can not be undone.
Working with Grouping Rules
Grouping Rules are powerful tools to organize and streamline the traffic received by your collectors by making full use of Lumu’s Labels. Consult the relevant article on our technical documentation to learn more about Grouping Rules.