What is the difference between Lumu Free and Lumu Insights?

What is the difference between Lumu Free, Lumu Insights and Lumu Defender?

Lumu Free offers a starting point for understanding your compromise level. It is always free and provides network-level visibility of confirmed IoCs (Indicators of Compromise) and retains incident data for 45 days.

With Lumu Insights you can incorporate Continuous Compromise Assessment into your security operation. This tier allows you to have unlimited Virtual Appliances that serve as collectors of network metadata providing detailed visibility into confirmed IoCs, automatic and real time ingestion of extensive metadata sources: DNS, net flows, access logs, inbox and spambox,  sophisticated attack pattern recognition and up to 1 years of incident data retention.

Lumu Defender includes all the features offered by Lumu Insights, and adds the ability to integrate Lumu’s real-time analysis  into responses. Sending the confirmed compromise instances collected by Lumu allows SOC teams to operationalize the concept of ‘block first, and investigate later.’ The SOC team will always be the ultimate decision maker. However, through automation, the threat actor’s window of opportunity can be drastically shortened, especially in cases where the attack occurs outside of normal working hours.
To know more about our illumination options, visit Lumu Offerings.

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