Lumu Autopilot

Lumu Autopilot

In today’s rapidly evolving digital environment, prompt and effective responses to security threats are essential. Lumu Autopilot simplifies the entire incident management process, reducing human error and optimizing resource allocation. By utilizing advanced automation, it ensures incidents are handled with accuracy and efficiency, enabling your organization to stay ahead of threats and maintain a strong security stance.

Enable Lumu Autopilot

If your account is eligible for Lumu Autopilot, you must simply open the Lumu Portal’s settings and locate the Autopilot section. Once there, switch the Autopilot slider to On. It is that simple. 

Key Benefits

  1. Improved Response and Autonomous Incident Management: Lumu enables organizations to respond to threats faster than humanly possible thanks to its integrations. This is already a powerful benefit, but it becomes even more powerful alongside Lumu Autopilot. Throughout the last 5 years, Lumu has not only accumulated a huge collection of network metadata, but has used it to create AI-powered playbooks that can be used by Lumu Autopilot to manage incidents like an expert cybersecurity agent. 
  2. Incident Prioritization: By delegating incident management to Lumu Autopilot, you can further optimize manual incident management. Lumu Autopilot can and will take care of assigning the correct status to incidents that have been automatically handled and responded to, freeing up your cybersecurity team to focus their efforts on more complex tasks. Trust Lumu Autopilot’s AI playbooks to handle the bulk of your day-to-day operation, and optimize your resources to empower your organization’s cybersecurity posture. 
  3. 24/7 SOC Compliance: Many organizations aim to have 24/7 SOC monitoring, but for many, this may not be achievable due to logistical, organizational, and financial challenges. Autopilot offers the capabilities of a 24/7 virtualized SOC, eliminating the complexities associated with an on-site SOC. This enables smaller organizations to achieve 24/7 SOC compliance, even if it wasn't previously an option for them.

Autopilot Operation

Once activated, you will be able to see evidence of the actions taken by Lumu Autopilot by going to the details of the incident you wish to monitor. Inside the summary, you will find a new subsection named Autopilot Actions that shows you a timeline of the measures enacted by Lumu Autopilot while operating the incident. 

You will also find evidence of Autopilot’s operation on the Operation Timeline.

Escalation Alerts

With its AI-powered playbooks, Autopilot can identify when an incident's complexity necessitates manual intervention. In such cases, Lumu will send you an email notification, alerting you that the incident has been escalated so your cybersecurity team can start investigating and operating it promptly. 

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