The Lumu Agent can be deployed remotely in corporate environments using an array of tools such as Remote Monitoring and Management software (RMM). This article describes the remote installation procedure of the
Lumu Agent for Windows and
macOS using
NinjaOne RMM.
Once your organization’s agents are deployed, each agent will be equipped with an automatic updated module, so an update procedure isn’t necessary.
Deployment Procedure - Lumu Agent for Windows
1. To install the Lumu Agent for Windows through NinjaOne RMM, you must first create a Powershell script. To do so, select the Library section on NinjaOne RMM, and go to the Scripting subsection. Once there, create a new script.
Create a new script
2. A text editor window will open and you will be able to add the script content there. You can find an example of the powershell script
here, or download it at the bottom of this article. Select
PowerShell as the language, and
Windows as the Operating System. You must add the
activation code and
Lumu portal credentials in the corresponding fields. Keep in mind NinjaOne RMM may require two-factor authentication (2FA) when saving the script.
Script creation window
3. Now, you must head to the Agent Policies section, where you'll be able to configure the installation groups.
Configure the installation groups
4. Now, add a scheduled script.
Add a scheduled script
5. In the next window, you'll be able to add the Lumu Agent for WIndows installation script. Add the pertinent information, like a name and description. You can schedule the execution of the script based on your organization's internal policies. It's generally recommended to configure this setting to run the script daily.
Add the Lumu Agent for WIndows installation script
6. Once done, you will see the recently added script in your list as shown below. Now, close the window, and save the script.
Save the script
You can make sure the script has been set properly by going back to the scheduled scripts section. Make sure to select the script and save the scheduling.
7. If necessary, it's possible to validate the status of the script by going to the Dashboard section, and then look for the Activities tab.
Activities tab Deployment Procedure - Lumu Agent for macOS
1. This procedure is very similar to the Lumu Agent for Windows installation. First, you must create a script. To do so, select the Library section on NinjaOne RMM, and go to the Scripting subsection. Once there, create a new script.
Create a new script
2. A text editor window will open and you will be able to add the script content there. You can find an example of the macOS script
here, or download it at the bottom of this article. Select
Shellscript for language, and
Mac as the Operating System. You must add the
activation code and
Lumu portal credentials in the corresponding fields. Keep in mind NinjaOne RMM may require two-factor authentication (2FA) when saving the script.
Be careful not to make any changes to the comments and commands on the provided script.
Script creation window
3. Now, you must head to the Agent Policies section, where you'll be able to configure the installation groups.
Configure the installation groups
4. Now, add a scheduled script.
Add a scheduled script
5. In the next window, you'll be able to add the Lumu Agent for macOS installation script. Add the pertinent information, like a name and description. You can schedule the execution of the script based on your organization's internal policies. It's generally recommended to configure this setting to run the script daily. Add the script.
Add the script
6. Finally, you must load and save the script.
Save the script
7. A dialogue window will open for the script. Configure the script to run as System, click Apply, and save the script.
Save the script
You can make sure the script has been set properly by going back to the scheduled scripts section. Make sure to select the script and save the scheduling.
8. If necessary, it's possible to validate the status of the script by going to the Dashboard section, and then look for the Activities tab.
Activities tab