@echo off :: Set the activation code of the installation group set ActivationCode="" :: Set the shared path of the Agent installation file set LumuShare="" ::#####################################################################:: ::################### Do not change the following lines ######################:: ::#####################################################################:: :: Lumu Service Name set LocalInstaller="C:\Temp\lum_agent_offline.msi" set AgentPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Lumu\Agent\lumu-windows-agent.exe" :: Check if the installation file already exist, if not, copy it if not exist %LocalInstaller% ( mkdir C:\Temp\ copy %LumuShare% C:\Temp\ ) :: Check if Lumu Agent is already installed, if not, install it with the defined activation code if not exist %AgentPath% ( msiexec /i %LocalInstaller% /log "C:\Temp\lumu-agent-installation-output.log" /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/activationcode="%ActivationCode%" /acceptlicense=""true"" " )